Celebrating the Wisdom of Astrology

Sue Brayne D.F.Astrol.S.


I love celebrating the wisdom of astrology. It has enriched my life beyond imagination and pushed me to grow and mature into who I am. It’s also made me acutely aware of how we live in a conscious Universe, and the way it is talking to us all the time through synchronicities and coincidences.

Perhaps synchronicity or coincidence has brought you to my website, because you are searching for something to bring more meaning and purpose into your life. If so, I hope you will be inspired by what you read.

Central to my work as a Soul Astrologer is encouraging to you to embrace your mortality. When you recognise that life is finite, it focuses you on what’s really important. As you learn to accept yourself and live your soul’s journey rather than fight against it, you can contribute to creating a far more responsible and compassionate humanity. My goodness, we need these qualities in abundance in today’s chaotic world.

Soul Astrology:

Connecting to Your Soul's Journey

My work as an Astrologer is to help you to connect with your soul’s journey so you can identify why negative patterns of behaviour keep repeating, and how you can break these patterns through a profound understanding of yourself. I believe the more you become conscious of who you are, the more you can make the very best of all the challenges and joys that come your way.

Having said this, I strongly believe in free-will choice. Yes, you are born with an astrological chart set at the moment of your birth, but knowing and understanding your chart helps you to turn the lessons you have come here to learn into an incredible adventure rather than one filled with fear and doubt.

Astrology Consultations

Podcasts and Playlists:

Welcome to my Celebrating Astrology Youtube Channel

This has up-to-date playlists of Ask Steve Judd! with Astrologer Steve Judd, and for the monthly Cosmic Echoes: Let’s Talk Moon Astrology with Michelle Cheyne, founder of the Wisdom Seekers Society.

I am also delighted to be co-hosting Cosmic Pathways: Tarot meets Astrology with Tarot Reader Gail Carol. Gail is as passionate about Tarot as I am about Astrology, so we thought we would share our knowledge by combining the two. I hope you will enjoy learning with us as we bring these two ancient occult practices together.

And, launching on the Autumn Equinox, you can learn to attune to the eight great turning points of the year with the new playlist Stars and Hedgerows co-hosted by Holistic Nutritionist Sue Judge

In addition, you can listen to my monthly interviews with Master Astrologers on The Astrology Interview Podcast. I always learn so much talking to these wonderfully knowledgeable astrologers. I hope you do to.

Podcasts & Playlists

Death and Dying:

Embracing Your Mortality

I am very proud to be a TEDx speaker, spreading my idea about how wearing your mortality with pride is a life changing experience. Discover how you can wear your mortality with pride as well.

Although death and dying are becoming more easily accepted and spoken about, we are still ill-informed about what the dying process looks like.

This means that many of us not only view death and dying with dread but are unprepared to deal with the issues that confront us when someone we love starts to die. We don’t know what to expect or how to react, or how to provide the support our dying relative or friend really needs. Therefore, I hope the following information will help reduce the fear of ‘doing it wrong’ and making things worse.

Death and Dying articles

Recent testimonials

Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much. I couldn’t have enjoyed our session more.

Noreen, USA

My reading with Sue ultimately contributed to a major life decision that has put me on an exciting new path. I am very grateful to her.

Roz, Stroud

It seriously was so fascinating and enlightening and really blew me away (in a good way) – you have a really great way of helping me to try and understand a lot of information in a very kind, patient and insightful way.

Maddie, London

My session with Sue gave me great clarity, reassurance and an insight into another dimension. I was so grateful for the way she navigated the subject with me, given my limited experience of it.

Tim, Wiltshire