My Blog

Death and Dying

I think Jacqui Smith, whose programme Porn Again was broadcast on BBC 5 Live last night, is brave to talk openly about… Read more

Well done Colin Firth for winning the Oscar last night for his performance as George VI (Bertie) in the wonderful… Read more

I have now had a chance to reflect on my concern over Liz Kershaw’s Sunday Times article (20th Feb), Cause of… Read more

It’s back! My one weakness (although my husband would argue fervently that I have more) is my passion for MasterChef…. Read more

I found myself surprisingly disturbed as I listened on BBC i-player to Roisin McAuley’s absorbing BBC Radio 4 documentary, Leaving Mr Wrong… Read more

I have just returned from a train trip from London to Barcelona. What a wonderful city – full of surprises…. Read more

I received a message on the answer phone last Thursday from BBC1’s Sunday morning programme, The Big Questions. Would I… Read more

After announcing this morning that Nelson Mandela has been admitted into hospital for tests, BBC Radio 4 News continued by… Read more

I’ve just read yet another article (this one from Menopause Relief) about how you can ‘cure’ low libido during and after… Read more

I love the latest sex discrimination tale concerning the menopausal Mary Bassi who at the age of 56 was sacked as… Read more

Living in the same location as two octogenarian couples is a salutary experience.  One couple, Brian and Enid, are fully engaged… Read more

Been talking to quite a few women this week.  Their stories about menopause are touching, particularly those who are struggling… Read more

A menopausal friend called me this week to talk through something that had upset her. Well, ‘talk through’ isn’t quite… Read more