End-of-life Experience Articles:
Fenwick, P., & Brayne, S.
End-of-life Experiences: Reaching out for compassion, communication and connection. Meaning of Deathbed Visions and Coincidences. American Journal of Palliative Care, Volume 28 (1): 7 Feb 1, 2011
Fenwick, P., Lovelace, H., Brayne, S.
Comfort for the dying: five year retrospective and one year prospective study of end of life experiences. Archive of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2009
Brayne, S., & Fenwick, P.
The Case for Training to Deal with End of Life Experiences. European Journal of Palliative Care, (15) 3, pp. 118-120. 2008.
Brayne, S., Lovelace, H., Fenwick, P.
End of Life Experiences and the Dying Process in a Gloucestershire Nursing Home as Reported by Nurses and Care Assistants. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 195-206. 2008.
Fenwick, P., Lovelace, H., Brayne, S.
End of Life Experiences and Implications for Palliative Care. International Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol 24, issue 3. 2007.
Brayne, S., Lovelace, H., Fenwick, P.
An Understanding of the Occurence of Deathbed Phenomena and its Effect on Palliative Care Clinicians. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Jan/Feb: 2006
Please do recommend any books you have found helpful on end of life issues
A Special Scar: The Experience of People Bereaved by Suicide. Alison Wertheimer. Routledge. 2001.
Death, Dying and Bereavement. The Open University and Sage Publishing. 1993.
Death-Bed Visions: the Psychical Experience of the Dying. W.F. Barratt. London. Bantam.1926.
End-of-Life Experiences: A Guide for Carers of the Dying. Sue Brayne and Peter Fenwick. Braynework 2008.
Facing Death and Finding Hope. Christine Longaker. New York. Main Street Books. 1997.
Gentle Dying. Felicity Warner. London. Hay House. 2008.
Grief, Mourning and Ritual. Open University Press. 2001.
Introduction to Religious and Spiritual Experience. Marianne Rankin. Continuum Books. 2008
Living and Dying with Cancer. Angela Armstrong-Coster. Cambridge University Press.2004.
Making an Exit, Sarah Murray, Coptic Publishing, June 2011. website: makinganexit.tumblr.com Twitter: @makinganexit
Nearing the End of Life: A Guide for Relatives and Friends of the Dying. Sue Brayne and Peter Fenwick.Braynework,2008.
Noch mal Leben Vor Dem Tod. Beate Lakotta and Walter Schells. Munich. Deutsche Verlags- Anstalt. 2004.
On Death and Dying. Elizabeth Kubler Ross. New York. Routledge. 1970.
Recognising the Spiritual Needs in People Who Are Dying. Rachel Stanworth. Oxford University Press. 2004.
Sacred Dying. Megory Anderson. New York. Marlow & Company. 2004.
Someone Very Important Has Just Died. Mary Turner. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2004
Talking with Children and Young People about Death and Dying. Mary Turner. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006
The Art of Dying. Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick. Continuum Books. 2008.
The Dying Process. Julia Lawton. London. Routledge. 2000.
To Cause a Death. Kelly Connor. Clairview. 2004
What Happens When We Die. Sam Parnia. Hay Publishing. 2007
Death and Wisdom: Questions and Answers about Death and Dying