My Blog

Death and Dying

Yesterday I spent an inspiring day at the Festival for Death and Dying at the Connect Centre, Wells. It was wonderful… Read more

‘There are no references to the Sun turning red during the middle of the day,’ said folklorist Twm Elias this… Read more

Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy… Read more

Seven of us gathered together in Jane Saunderson’s lovely wooden lodge, located at the rear of her equally delightful autumnal… Read more

This series of workshops has been co-created by GP Dr Jo Withers. I ran a pop-up death cafe with Jo… Read more

Dooey, my beloved cat, was killed by a car on Saturday. I had just returned from a week-long silent retreat… Read more

The tenth pop-up death café on Mystic Moon took place in sight of two magnificent tall ships currently being refurbished… Read more

Even a drab industrial mooring at Leamington Spa, on an equally drab wet afternoon, couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm and passion… Read more

Berkhamsted pop-up wasn’t so much a conversation about end of life issues, but more of a brainstorming between local GP… Read more

This pop-up was co-hosted by psychotherapist Josefine Speyer, who runs monthly death cafes in Hampstead and Death Salons in her… Read more

Nine people squeezed onto Mystic Moon – a record so far – in order to talk about death and dying…. Read more

For the past few days I have had a beautiful mooring under the dappled shade of a gorgeous plane tree,… Read more

This pop-up was requested by four psychotherapists, three of whom were about to enter their final year of training. What… Read more

This pop-up was co-hosted by Julienne McLean, a psychologist and Jungian analyst and spiritual director, based in north London. Julienne… Read more

The blossom in Victoria Park was spectacular this morning. Over the past two days I have grown to love this… Read more

Sitting on Mystic Moon in Limehouse Basin on a gloriously sunny evening, pinching myself to make sure I am not… Read more

The first three pop-up death cafes on Mystic Moon have now taken place at Bradford on Avon wharf, Devizes wharf,… Read more

Dooey, my cat,  and I now officially live aboard Mystic Moon in Bradford on Avon Marina. Her living quarters are… Read more