My Blog

Reflections on life

Last weekend I spent a delightful twenty-four hours with a group of Christian parapsychologists.  Yes, those belonging to the Churches’… Read more

I’m aware I haven’t blogged for quite a while.  Lots of reasons why not – when it comes to writing,… Read more

This morning I spoke to a dear friend who is struggling with life-long depression.  Listening to her reminded me of… Read more

It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch Terry Pratchett’s BBC 2 documentary (if you can call… Read more

I have never understood why people rave about Bob Dylan.  His voice has always set my teeth on edge, and… Read more

A recent survey commissioned by the Dying Matters Coalition (set up by the National Council of Palliative Care to promote… Read more

I loved the royal wedding last Friday. A truly magical occasion, and – rare these days, sadly – I felt… Read more

Woman Commits Suicide to Avoid Old Age, was a front page Sunday Times headline.  Immediately I imagined some poor, pathetic, lonely old… Read more

It’s Professor Brian Cox who dunnit for me, in the sitting room, with his BBC series, The Wonders of the… Read more

I was hanging up the washing, when I imagined a Japanese woman of similar postmenopausal age living in Sendai,  doing… Read more

This might sound a bit callous, but I don’t know what has been more shocking for me today: watching footage… Read more

I have now had a chance to reflect on my concern over Liz Kershaw’s Sunday Times article (20th Feb), Cause of… Read more

I appreciate that care for the elderly by the NHS has become a contentious issue, but has the world gone… Read more

I received a message on the answer phone last Thursday from BBC1’s Sunday morning programme, The Big Questions. Would I… Read more

After announcing this morning that Nelson Mandela has been admitted into hospital for tests, BBC Radio 4 News continued by… Read more

Living in the same location as two octogenarian couples is a salutary experience.  One couple, Brian and Enid, are fully engaged… Read more