My Blog

Death and Dying

I’ve thought a lot about forgiveness since my husband left me last year. It wasn’t the fact that he went…. Read more

Last year my husband walked out of our marriage. We had been together for thirteen years. At the age of… Read more

It’s a mean little  bug that’s laid me very low and stopped my back-packing adventures mid-flight. I have no idea… Read more

Before embarking on my Indian odyssey, I had imagined that my time in Varanasi, reputed to be the most sacred city… Read more

Well, here we are at the start of 2012. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate in wishing everyone a Happy New Year. … Read more

I was very heartened to read yesterday’s Daily Telegraph’s piece, Emergency staff to be told if you want to live or die…. Read more

Last weekend I spent a delightful twenty-four hours with a group of Christian parapsychologists.  Yes, those belonging to the Churches’… Read more

Taking part in a discussion with eldercare campaigner Marion Shoard on Woman’s Hour yesterday was one of the scarier moments of my life. … Read more

It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch Terry Pratchett’s BBC 2 documentary (if you can call… Read more

A recent survey commissioned by the Dying Matters Coalition (set up by the National Council of Palliative Care to promote… Read more

I woke up this morning feeling as grey as the day. I’m often like this when I’ve come back from… Read more

I loved the royal wedding last Friday. A truly magical occasion, and – rare these days, sadly – I felt… Read more

Last week was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me.  So, while I applaud Lord Richard Layard’s enthusiasm… Read more

Woman Commits Suicide to Avoid Old Age, was a front page Sunday Times headline.  Immediately I imagined some poor, pathetic, lonely old… Read more

It’s Professor Brian Cox who dunnit for me, in the sitting room, with his BBC series, The Wonders of the… Read more

I was hanging up the washing, when I imagined a Japanese woman of similar postmenopausal age living in Sendai,  doing… Read more

This might sound a bit callous, but I don’t know what has been more shocking for me today: watching footage… Read more

Happy International Women’s Day! I’ve just clicked as a virtual participant for the Millennium Bridge celebrations, led by the awesome… Read more