My Blog

Travelling in India

It’s a mean little  bug that’s laid me very low and stopped my back-packing adventures mid-flight. I have no idea… Read more

Before embarking on my Indian odyssey, I had imagined that my time in Varanasi, reputed to be the most sacred city… Read more

When I drive towards a roundabout, husband Mark is always banging on at me about ‘lane discipline.’ Well, he would… Read more

I awoke yesterday morning at 5.30am  to the delightful sounds of Payma’s mum gobbing up outside my bedroom window. But… Read more

Teaching English to Tibetan monks is one thing, but to see the Dalai Lama in person is quite another. From… Read more

My time in McLeod Ganj is already half way through. So far it’s been a mixture of what I expected… Read more

I knew the average age for an IVHQ volunteer is mid to late twenties, but I hadn’t expected older volunteers… Read more

What with settling in with my home-stay family in McLeod Ganj (similar in size and vibe to what I image… Read more

Okay, so the bus stop in the middle of a Delhi slum wasn’t exactly London’s Victoria Coach station, and the… Read more

The end of the first week with IVHQ India approaches.  And, what a week it’s been. I arrived just before… Read more

Almost there.  Within 48 hours (all going well) I will be at Mumbai airport, boarding the two hour Kingfisher flight… Read more

It’s count down to my big IVHQ (International Volunteer Headquarters) Indian/Vietnam adventure. In nine days I climb aboard my flight… Read more