Series 4 of Embracing Your Mortality is drawing to a close

I am delighted that Ruth McCarthy is concluding series 4 today with an inspiring podcast about the importance of good listening skills. 

The series started on Friday 25th March with  Samantha Koshare Edouardestalking about how her partner is lovingly restoring John Lennon’s Sgt Pepper’s Circus Waggon as a message for global peace. 

She was followed by the wonderful Chloe Goodchild, founder of the Naked Voice, speaking about how she helps people to heal through finding their voice, Megan Kellyfamily constellations facilitator, passionate about helping people to heal their ancestral wounds, and the inspiring Business Gardner Mark Rendellwho embraces consciousness as he works with the land.

They are followed by Maggie La Tourelle, author of The Gift of Alzheimer’s, an extraordinary account of how she cared for her dying mother, now being produced as an audio play staring Juliet Stevenson, Claire and Chris Sandys talking about their The Silent Why podcast, which explores 101 different experiences of loss and grief, and how they believe it carries messages of love and hope, and Danish researcher Frederik Uldall who is fascinated by the possible existence of UFOs and what their advanced technology can teach us. 

My final two guests are Karen Alexander a renowned crop circle researcher, lecturer and artist, committed to understanding the connection between crop circles and human consciousness, and Ruth McCarthy whosemission is to help us all to develop good listening skills so we can transform our thinking and encourage positive and respectful engagement with each other.

I hope you have enjoyed my wonderful guests, all of whom are deeply engaged with their mortality and committed to helping make our world a better place.  I will be back with series 5 in late autumn, and look forward to you joining me then. 

I also want to say a huge thank you to Cheryl from the Podcast Den and how I couldn’t do this podcast without her magical touch as series producer and editor.  

In the meantime, don’t forget to listen to the first three series of Embracing Your Mortality. Just click on the link below:

Embracing Your Mortality

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